Management Consultant

While studying electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen, Ulrich gained his first experiences with the challenges of the energy industry as a student assistant at the Institute for Electrical Systems and Networks. It was already obvious back then that conventional energy production had to be replaced by renewable energies, even if many corporations and politicians were not really convinced of this. After successfully completing his studies, Ulrich knew that he wanted to contribute to the transition of the energy industry and in 2007 he became an originator at Statkraft, at the time the largest electricity producer from renewable energies in Europe. From this area, Ulrich, together with Sebastian Schmidt and two other colleagues, set up the wind/solar direct marketing business and made Statkraft the market leader with a share of over 30% of the direct marketing business in Germany. Ulrich then managed business development and, at times, also managed sales in this area for Statkraft. After over 14 exciting years, Ulrich decided to look for new challenges in 2021 and has since supported pure.energy in various areas of direct marketing in Germany. One focus in particular is the conclusion of PPA contracts with operators of wind and solar systems, allowing pure.energy to assume an important position in just 1.5 years. What particularly excites Ulrich about pure.energy is the great energy industry expertise, the high level of flexibility and the associated rapid adaptation to new business opportunities.