PPAs für Producers

For your renewable assets older than 20 years, we offer you fixed-price contracts. We take on both the long-term marketing risks and the short-term ones from the intraday and balancing energy market. In addition, as balancing responsible party, we take on all regulatory and operational duties and implement them in accordance with the PPA.

  • Imbalance Costs and Mixpreis Risks of Redispatch Measures
  • Takeover of BTR/EIV-Roles
  • Takeover of Guarantees of Origin
  • Integration into Virtual Power Plant


Contact Person(s)






Head of Sales





Management Consultant

















Direct Marketing

Our Pure Portfolio consists exclusively of renewable energies.

We act proactively and approach you when we see opportunities for you in the market. We communicate with you openly about fixed price contracts and PPAs.

We act according to the specifications of the regulations, advise you and offer you the best possible selection regarding:

Flexible Compensation Structures

  • Standard direct marketing: Reference market value minus an absolute or percentage risk premium
  • Hourly spot marketing: EPEX SPOT price of the respective hours minus an absolute risk premium or one coupled with the SpotBase

Flexible Payment Processes

  • To financially secure our customers, we offer flexible payment methods from bi-weekly to weekly advance payments.



Contact Person(s): 





Head of Sales




Management Consultant





















  1. Trade
    • Cross-border wholesale of renewable energies and climate products
    • Futures/Forwards Trading
    • Digital Energy Management
    • Commercial Optimization of Renewable Energies
  2. Market Access
    • Day-Ahead (1h and 1/4h auction)
    • Intraday Algorithmic Trading
    • 24/7 Operation; about 25,000 transactions per day
    • Real-time monitoring and production forecast
    • Intraday optimization of your sales portfolio with live data
  3. White label contracts for energy suppliers & direct marketers
    • With a 24/7 Trading Desk, we also offer our white-label product for energy suppliers and direct marketers. With this product, you can hedge the balancing and mixed price risks of your portfolio and generate additional income.
    • Guaranteed revenues from the battery storage optimization.



Contact Person:




Strategy, Trading & Origination























PPAs for consumers

Wir bieten verlässliche Stromversorgung angepasst auf den individuellen Bedarf unserer Industrie- und Gewerbekunden an!


Entscheiden Sie über

  • Vertragslaufzeit (bis zu 10 Jahre)
  • Preisformel (garantierter Festpreis, börsenindizierter Preis oder eine Mischform)
  • 100% Ökostrom aus Deutschland (belegbar durch die Übertragung von zertifizierten Herkunftsnachweisen (HKN) aus Deutschland)

Pure Energy ist der zuverlässige und innovative Partner unserer Kunden zum Ziel einer klimaneutralen Stromversorgung.


Sprechen Sie uns gerne für eine individuelle Beratung an.


Contact Person:






Managing Director, Sales & Business Development
