Our Vision

To inspire and pioneer disruptive innovation in the energy value chain.

We embrace the challenges along the way to the energy transition, as we discover how much there is to improve, disrupt, and reorchestrate. Fueled by passion and desire, we aim high to become the leading energy services provider in Germany and around the globe.

Milestones in Germany

Established by energy professionals of 35 years of experience,


Pure aims to become a leading next-generation energy company.




While filling the gap between institutional and flexible, rooted and

modernist, we've positioned as a balancing body, "a pure dot" 

between local approach and corporate thinking.

  • Started our operations in Germany


    Management of a 1200MW Wind Portfolio in Germany



    First fixed-price electricity contracts for the delivery year 2022 (110 MW)


  • Expanding Operations


    First market access products for energy companies,


    First fixed price electricity contracts for the delivery years 2023 & 2024,


    First biomass and hydropower plants in the PPA portfolio

  • 2023

    400 MW installed capacity in PPA-Portfolio

    1100 MW Whitelabel contracts

    Retail for commercial customers

    First Trade on the Dutch Power Market

Next steps in Germany

Pure renewable portfolio with balancing group responsibility,


2023: +1800MW

2024: +3000MW




2023: +500MW

2024: +1000 MW


Flexible, innovative and target-oriented physical and financial products for the integration of renewables with a focus on origination.

Expansion of renewable energy credit business lead and entry into corporate renewable PPA business

Our Values


Trust and sustainability can only be built through transparency.