Sebastian SCHMIDT

Head of Sales

As a graduate economist with a focus on stochastics and energy, and degrees from Münster and Purdue (Indiana, USA), he started his career in 2006 as a portfolio manager at Trianel Energie GmbH; an energy trading company with a municipal background. Just a year later, he was entrusted with leading the risk management team there as a service for third parties. Another year later, he moved to Statkraft Trading GmbH in Düsseldorf as an electricity and gas market analyst, where he got to know not only the German electricity and gas market, but also the energy markets of neighboring countries in detail. After moving to the origination team, he set up direct wind/solar marketing at Statkraft in 2010 with his former and new colleague Ulrich Haberland, most recently as the Head of Sales with responsibility for a large sales team. In 2016 he decided to become self-employed by designing roof solar systems, initially only for private use and later also for commercial customers. Since 2019 he has continued this work in the open space for his old employer Statkraft, most recently as the responsible project manager for solar and wind farm projects. Since September 2023 he has been proud to be part of the Pure Energy team. He enjoys spending his free time with his wife and their three children and renovating an old house that will one day become his and their new home.